Combining years of Industrial Automation experience with cybersecurity knowledge to create a more secure, more reliable future.

Che Marshall
Cybersecurity Candidate

Home Lab with Wazuh SIEM
Home Lab to test and experiment with Wazuh. Real security events were created on a Windows 10 VM, and captured via log ingestion into Wazuh.
Cloud server created with Digital Ocean to host Wazuh and implement firewall protection
Configure Windows 10 to send Sysmon log data to Wazuh
Configure Windows 10 Security settings to allow desired suspicious behavior to be executed
Create custom Wazuh rules to specifically identify specific malicious files (Mimikatz).
See more HERE
The Hab (Habitat I)
A fully enclosed environment utilizing a closed-loop system to sustain life both floral and fauna. Programmed in Python, and using off-the-shelf components, capable of growing plant life, as well as sustaining simple lifeforms.
Programmed in Python3 to collect and respond to telemetry data
OAuth used to authorize the server and send automatic email updates
Constructed from off-the-shelf components
See more HERE
Runway Lights
Simple project programmed in MicroPython to set off a series of lights upon entering a room. Pure flare.
Programmed in MicroPython to set off lights in a programmable sequence
Used recycled components to make something fun
See more HERE